While we were stuck in St. Patrick's Day parade traffic on the way home from grocery shopping, we realized that we adopted Puck the Dog exactly five years ago today. The anniversary is easy to remember, because we got stuck in parade traffic that day too. We still had a small SUV back then, and Emma the Dog was making her feelings known about Strange New Dog by refusing to sit anywhere but the very back and ignoring him and us. Strange New Dog sat on my lap nervously and...threw up all over me and my giant messenger bag a mere five minutes from his new home. (Even in the traffic, we were so close.)
We kept him anyway.
(As if there was any question!)
Here's me and him together on Christmas Eve night (note: it were late):
And here's the first post I put up about him. It features an adorable video of he and Emma romping together (she got over her attitude) and a picture of him looking tiny and stubborn.
"So here, in a primitive form, is the basis of much of my twenty-seven years of professional writing: the attempt to get into another person's head, or another creature's head, and see out from his eyes or its eyes, and the more different that person is from the rest of us the better. You start with the sentient entity and work outward, inferring its world. Obviously, you can't ever really know what its world is like, but, I think, you can make some pretty good guesses. I began to develop the idea that each creature lives in a world somewhat different from all the other creatures and their worlds. I still think this is true. To Snooper, garbagemen were sinister and horrible. I think he literally saw them differently than we humans did."
Snooper was PKD's dog, who became the dog in the story. Puck the Dog agrees with Snooper. That's why he sleeps, ever vigilant, next to my Buffy stake.
(It's not that I can't figure out how to rotate the picture... it's that this is a Puck's eye view of the world, okay? Note: Dog decidedly unalarmed by lurking Kim Stanley Robinson and Justina Robson novels.)
We had a visit from an excellent dog trainer yesterday, who shares our distrust of the Cesar Millan Be A Pack Leader Approach, and instantly had both Puck and Emma's numbers. (Puck's the one mainly in need of assistance, as he hates all strangers on sight and is territorial. Emma's just smart and bossy, a winning combination.) Anyway, a fun evening was spent learning how to dissuade dogs from bad behaviors, and now we practice for a week and report back. A good trainer? Worth every penny.
I have completed hours and hours and hours of admin paperwork and gathering and such for the stuff that has to be mailed in at the end of one's final MFA semester... and my brain feels mushy. Also, hurty. (Evaluations, a complete bibliography of everything read for the last two years, miscellaneous forms, a title page to be signed by faculty honcho types and abstracts of creative thesis. Etc.! MLA format is Eeevil.)
The rest of the week will be spent fluffing and pruning my novel, which thankfully goes in electronically on Friday. And I'm sure the formatting of said submission will cause more head aching.
So, alas, for today, I'm afraid I'm only good for this ferocious holiday pic of Emma the Dog Girl.
Jeff Ford is the best, clearly, but he's topped himself with today's interactive post, which presents a mystery: Which cat is pissing on the X-Box -- Kaiba, BeBe Del Grito, or Fat Head -- and why? The person who most convincingly answers this question can win a free galley of his next novel, The Shadow Year.
Even if you're not in it to win it, this is the best post since ever.
I would take pics but there are no batteries and I am lazy. Emma's very "glad you're home" mellow needy, but Puck (aka Baby Moon, or as my nephews christened him "Agent Fox") is all "where are you going? please don't go away again!" and it's hilarious and cute. Hemingway is a mix of the two, in full-on grabbing and punching as I walk by mode.
at the Dog Park: Control your dogs! Do not let them gang up on a less-than-20-pound tiny dog so that he practically climbs up onto Christopher's shoulder after the two of us attempt to intercede on his behalf with your gigantor dogs.
We went to the other side of the dog park. All was well. We glared. (Seriously, these people were USELESS.)
Anyway, we finally signed Puck's official papers this afternoon. He's ours. As you can tell by the Professor H.P. Lovecraft Miskatonic University nametag he's trying to shake off his head in photo one. (Long story, but Emma tried so hard, all her photos are blurry.)
We just tossed out a practically new container of Pounce kitty treats that have been added to the pet food recall, so keep watching the lists. The SF Chronicle's Christie Keith has a must-read piece for pet owners on "the story behind the pet food recall" today.
As you all know, my super power is choosing pets from the Internet.* Meet Emma's new little (little!) brother Puck (his name was Puff, but we hate that, and it's enough of a sound-alike to not confuse him**).
For those who don't like videos that feature an interlude of the cameraman's jacket, here's a photo:
C has more pictures and another video*** (also featuring Hemingway the Book-Hiding-Behind Cat).
*Not that I do it often; bizarrely, last Monday, I felt the tug to look, then kept looking again at this picture of this weird little dog, then kept discussing with C whether he thought Emma would like having another dog around. So ... it was meant to be.
**His name was going to be Falcor, because it was the only thing we could agree on--but he actually knew Puff, so we caved. Sorta.
**Yes, yes, we'll get a real video camera at some point.
Scott and Justine's luggage makes Emma CRAZY with the yawn.
My husband's freakish freak lunch of my leftover Annie's mac and cheese with the freakish addition of mustard, pita chips, and James Baldwin. That ain't right.
The Melissas brought over their dog Bodhi Sunday and to say that Emma and he hit it off is a bit of an understatement. This frame is blurred due to motion, on the part of the dogs and the shooter:
Recently groomed even, Emma avoids the heat. Yes, she thinks she's a person. (This is a test of my ability to get photos from camera to MacBook to Typepad.)
So, by all appearances, Emma the Dog now has a urinary tract infection and will be headed to the vet for confirmation of such tomorrow. Guilt officially justified.
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