Because that's all I have time for today, as I dig out from the mountain that...just a weekend away at ALA has left behind. What's that about? I do not know, except that I must climb it. A post about how fun ALA was (sooo much fun) is coming as well, but for today:
- Yesterday I was over at Stacked, contributing to one of my favorite blog series--So You Want To Read YA? In which various people make recommendations of starting points for the uninitiated or the long-to-be-further-initiated. Check out my picks and argue in the comments, should you so desire. (You won't, of course, because all those books are wonderful. Obviously.)
- And a reminder that you can comment on the cover reveal entry until midnight tonight to be entered for signed copies of Blackwood AND The Woken Gods.
*continues to run around like hair is on fire*
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