Yes, I'm afraid it's that time in revision/deadlineland (swarming deadlineland, really) when I fall off the map. I'm behind on email, and am trying to answer urgent stuff, but may not get caught up until early August when I will have finished/survived for now. Etc.
I might drop in here, but will likely be scarce for the next couple of weeks.
p.s. Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes last week. You are all The Best.
p.p.s. Planning for Blackwood's release proceeds apace. Just added to the events calendar: an epic Angry Robot Author Showcase event on Friday, August 31, at 7 p.m. at one of Chicago's finest indie bookstores, The Book Cellar, with myself, Kim Curran, Adam Christopher, and Chuck Wendig all to be in attendance signing our shiny new September releases. During WorldCon, so come over, or if you're not World Con-ing but are in the vicinity of Chicago, come out!
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