Yes, this is one of those posts where I make the Whoops, I Disappeared admission and then admit that I'm probably going to be mostly MIA this week too. And that I'm still behind on email. Deep into this first draft, and juggling all the other things as well.
Also, I really need to get extra words written, because deadline swiftly approacheth and we decided to tack a couple of days of New York and BEA onto next weekend's quick research trip to D.C. for the aforementioned draft-in-progress, because, hey, why not? My editor is coming over from England, so it just makes sense.
Anyway, the plan is to be in NYC Monday and Tuesday, coming back home to rescue the dogs from Dog Jail on Wednesday. So if you're BEA-bound, hope to bump into you there.
And I'll try to manage some actual posts here next week. In the meantime, have a lovely holiday weekend.
Have you guys decided on Readercon yet? Looks like I'm going!
Have a great weekend! Don't worry about disappearing for a while--we'll be here when you get back. Unless I disappear for a while too...
Posted by: Eugene | May 23, 2012 at 09:47
Alas, no Readercon this year! I fear I shall be in my garret revising all the words ever. (After I, um, write them.) Sorry to be missing you there. By any chance, will you be at WorldCon? That's probably our next travel after this.
Posted by: GWENDA BOND | May 23, 2012 at 09:48
No Worldcon. *sobs* I had to choose between that and Dragon*Con over the same weekend, and although I'll be near Chicago the week before, I opted for Dragon*Con because that's where my publisher and all the kids will be. Super sad to miss you doubly.
Posted by: Eugene | May 23, 2012 at 10:47
Ah, of course. The Decatur Book Festival is that same weekend, I believe. I've heard doing both makes you go insane, but if you do have a few hours to kill DBF is FABULOUS and has great YA programming, and is not far from downtown Atlanta.
Posted by: GWENDA BOND | May 23, 2012 at 12:36