- Oh, there is nothing like a "reunited with lost dog" story to make me mist up. This essay from Washington Post foreign service correspondent Pamela Constable about her extraordinary search for a street dog named Ahu in Islamabad is no exception.
- Controversy! Drinking in Harry Potter! PLEASE. If the dark lord was on your heels, you'd need a pint too. And let's not forget that the UK doesn't have the same age requirements as our drinking laws.
- Sarah writes eloquently about Banville and the phony notion of "transcending genre." I also really, really want to read Of Bees and Mist based on her recommendation (lefthand column), which invokes the Brothers Grimm and Angela Carter. Sign me up.
- I also can't wait to get my mitts on Love is a Four-Letter Word, which receives a ringing endorsement at Omnivoracious today, and features the essay stylings of one of my favorite bloggers ever.
- Carol Ann Duffy on war poetry. (Via the divine Julie Larios, who also shares some notes from this past Vermont residency's lectures. This is very helpful in deciding which ones this ex-student wants to order.)
- "How did 100,000,000 women disappear?" via Gavin.
- Cyn interviews Micol and David Ostow about the awesomeness of So Punk Rock.
- I give you: the rare Tufted deer. Dead by cute. It will take over the world.
That Harry Potter story just drove me absolutely crazy. Not to mention the whole question of Butterbeer's relative alcohol content — a totally relevant issue the NYT just skipped over because it didn't suit the WOE THE CHILDREN MIGHT COPY HARRY perspective. UGH.
Posted by: Molly | July 28, 2009 at 12:26
Agree! It reads like the rantings of a lunatic.
Posted by: GWENDA BOND | July 28, 2009 at 13:10
How can anyone be fussing over a spot of convivial drinking when the real threat to humanity is that Tufted deer? Upon glimpsing that photo I promptly bought the farm and am now only haunting this world in the hopes of catching sight of another li'l fawn. If these things catch on, all other species will soon be dead by cute.
Posted by: Karen | July 28, 2009 at 14:21
Agreed--if your worst response to being stalked by a dark lord and knowing you have a life-or-death destiny is to down a few beers, at any age, that's doing pretty well.
(I'm reminded of the related issue of cussing in YA. It can be overdone, but sometimes--like when you have a dragon breathing down your neck or a bunch of warriors with swords trying to kill you, "Oh, darn," really just isn't believable.
Posted by: Janni | July 28, 2009 at 21:52
I wondered how other parents, educators and addiction experts would react.
A sensible and proportionate response.
She also manages to mangle the UK drinking laws:
It is illegal for anyone under 18 to drink alcohol on licensed premises (e.g. a pub or restaurant) unless they are over 16, having a meal with their drink, and they are accompanied by an adult (someone the age of 18 or over). Children aged 5 and above may legally drink alcohol elsewhere. Children under 5 must not be given alcohol unless under medical supervision or in an emergency.
Posted by: Martin | July 29, 2009 at 04:46