cket.From the last week and to come this week, mostly inspired by Jules and Eisha's weekly kicks over at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast.
1. Hosting Ms. and Mr. Tingle Alley for a night of pizza, beer and rootball stories last week. And Emma only ate a little bit of Mr. Tingle's hat.
2. First tomatoes from the garden. Need I say more? YUM.
3. A hike yesterday afternoon through the Tom Dorman Nature Preserve to see the cliffs of the Palisades. Aside from the long uphill climb and the murderous daggery plants near the river, pretty much perfect. The dogs would agree.
4. Putting in my pre-VC MFA residency Godiva shampoo order at Amazon and having it only cost 23 cents (gift certificate!).
5. Two excellent days of work on revising le novel that got me entirely back on track. I should be all caught up on revision by the end of this week and on to new stuff just in time to get in a groove before the residency--where I actually hope to get some writing done this time. (Perhaps overly ambitious, and I may just succumb to the summer charms of wine and iniquity, but we'll see.)
6. A day off on Wednesday.
7. Three excellent mornings of ninja trainingyoga in a row.
8. Simmone Howell's Notes from the Teenage Underground. I LOVE this book.
9. Oh, and sometime last week, I hit 1,000 posts at this particular incarnation of ye olde Shaken & Stirred, but forgot to say anything to mark the occasion. So, happy 1,012th post. Y'all rock.
YOU rock, G! Congrats (on both the 1,000 post and the 23 cent shampoo). XO LC
Posted by: Lauren Cerand | July 02, 2007 at 17:15
I've got Simmone Howell's book sitting beside my bed right now. I need to get some other stuff read first, but I'm really itching to dig into it.
Posted by: Kristopher | July 02, 2007 at 17:20
I loved Simmone's book also - it's in my column this month over at Bookslut (should be up on Friday or so....)
Posted by: Colleen | July 02, 2007 at 17:35
Yowsa, happy 1,000!
Posted by: Carolyn | July 03, 2007 at 10:53
Godiva shampoo? You better guard it with your life!
Posted by: Meeks | July 04, 2007 at 09:28