against my better judgment I dipped a toe* into the current wave of MFA-bashing. I'm done, and will not even be rubbernecking this one any longer, because I've got a NOVEL TO WRITE.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: When writers try to tell other writers what they should or shouldn't be doing, it really pisses me off.
*I pretty much agree with Callie, and she brings a welcome straightforwardness to the discussion.
Updated: Carolyn nails it. Word.
Ugh, I hate this too. I used to get so mad about it and I didn't even do an MFA, just a regular MA with a concentration in creative writing. People can be really ignorant about a lot of things, but this is such a hot-button ignorant topic for writers. You're better off just ignoring it all and doing what's best for you without defending because in the end they've already made up their minds for whatever reason and you don't need anymore soul-sucking in your life than there already is out there in the world. Can't wait to read the new novel! (If you'll let me, that is!) ;-)
Posted by: Christopher Barzak | March 07, 2007 at 10:57
"When writers try to tell other writers what they should or shouldn't be doing, it really pisses me off."
I couldn't agree more.
But now I'm tempted to go and look at what they're saying. sigh.
Posted by: Patrick Samphire | March 07, 2007 at 10:58
Of course, Mr. Barzak. I'd be honored. :)
Patrick: I'm sorry. That's always the danger, isn't it? I find this particular round especially full of generalizations.
Posted by: Gwenda | March 07, 2007 at 11:00
Where is the workshop that's full of people seething with envy? Frankly, I could use the ego boost. :)
I just lost an hour of my life in there. Next time I'm going to contract out for someone to just write a book length manifesto, so I can be done with it for once and for all.
Oh, who am I's like when I see there's a My Super Sweet Sixteen marathon on. I WANT to turn away, but I can't.
Posted by: erin | March 07, 2007 at 12:11