- Jeff VanderMeer has posted some photos of Leisa Pichard's amazing, award-winning Halloween art (yes, it is art!). I love the pumpkin's door and the baby-doll heads. See more of her work here.
- Kelly Link reads "The Hortlak," one of her excellent zombie stories. (Via Gavin.)
- I suppose I'm doing this, if only by default, since I'm desperately trying to finish anyway. And since I'm already doing this. (Joinery thingeries are good medicine for all that solo fretting time, I guess.) I'm just hoping for election outcomes next week that don't lead to the dead-end-work-stoppage-of-Doom.
- Ron rounds up the news making the rounds about Aury Wallington's debut YA novel Pop! not being carried by Borders, presumably due to raciness. Aury's written for a little show called Veronica Mars, among other fine credits. I just started reading Pop! and you should check it out too. Fight bad corporate decisions, etc.
- The Project Rungay guys expand their vision to Project: Gay, in which they will offer their delightful commentary on lots and lots of other things too.
- The preliminary TOCs have been released for Rich Horton's Year's Bests, including Christopher's "Another Word for Map is Faith" in the Science Fiction one and lots and lots of other fine stories.
Yay Christopher! And lots of other folks!
Posted by: Dave Schwartz | November 01, 2006 at 14:48