I was immediately kicking myself after the Bloggasm interview for not mentioning one of my most favorite of blogs, and a fairly new discovery (for me, anyway -- I found it sometime earlier this year, I think, via Darby's also excellent blog): Austin Kleon's site.
From what I can tell, Austin is a superhumanly talented comic artist and writer with great taste in just about everything. And he's always putting up these beautiful images from his works in progress (like that one over on the left from today) and tidbits of wisdom from other writers and artists. I would use the word inspirational, but that sounds too twee and fuzzy haloed. So I'll say instead that Austin's blog never fails to make me want to get on my ass and write, or just generally Get Things Done.
Anyway, I thought I'd do a little pointer in case anyone who reads this site hasn't yet found Austin's. If only all such silly omissions were as easily corrected.
i'm humbled and flattered--maybe a little more humbled, especially considering I was sitting on my lazy ass in the middle of the day watching THE SOPRANOS in my sweatpants when I read this...
...you've praised me back to work!
Posted by: austin | August 31, 2006 at 12:20
My pleasure!
Posted by: Gwenda | August 31, 2006 at 12:27