- Fun with Wikipedia. (Via Feoshia.)
- Damn that Gilly/Butner/DeNiro continuum for getting us hooked on The Kingdom of Loathing (I'm Mrs Parker, Disco Bandit; why do you ask?) Alan, we want to InfernoKrush!
- Rebecca Skloot on the Robert Hooke manuscript discovered in an old cupboard. Why don't we ever have this kind of luck? Pls, dead scientists, send scratch.
- La Gringa has the codes you can use to get cheap Ts at the Secret Threadless T-shirt Sale.
- Scariest photo ever. (Via Mr. McLaren, fancy web man.)
- An excellent Hollywood post by Josh Friedman.
- Stopping robots, especially since Philip K. Dick's is on the loose.
- Over at Pub Rants, Agent Kristin posts some thoughts by one of her authors on publicists. Worth a look.
- Matt Cheney's latest Strange Horizons column is also worth a look (read: truly excellent). And so is some discussion spurred by it at Hannah's place. (And a dashed off two cents to that one: For me as a reader, the best thing any reviewer can do is firmly and clearly establish their taste, their POV, where they are rapping from -- because if I know that, I can generally make a judgment as to how much a given book is going to appeal to me based on their reaction (maybe even if it's poorly articulated).) Anyway. There's also Elizabeth Bear's latest amazing post, which seems a response to this and larger things too.
You can blame Susan for KoL too (she was the one who told me about it way back when).
Posted by: Alan | February 14, 2006 at 13:07