I'm the extremely intimidated juror out on this year's stellar Fountain Award jury: Jeff Ford, Carol Emshwiller, Mary Anne Mohanraj and James Patrick Kelly. Anyway, editors of magazines and anthologies have three more days to submit their nominations. All the info you need is included behind the cut:
The Speculative Literature Foundation is still accepting nominations for the second annual Fountain Award, with a prize of $1000 given to a short story of exceptional literary quality. The Fountain Award will be judged by a select jury, and chosen from work nominated by magazine and anthology editors. Non-genre publications are encouraged to nominate material. Each publication may nominate up to three stories for inclusion, from work published in the previous calendar year (2005); nominations must be received by February 10, 2006. The winner will be announced in mid-May of 2006.
The award is intended for short fiction; any story submitted should contain some form of speculative element. Possible genres include (but are not limited to): magical realism, slipstream, science fiction, fantasy, fable, modern folk and fairy tales, cyberpunk, ghost stories, alternate history,
interstitial, etc. If an editor is not certain whether a particular piece will qualify, they should feel free to submit it in any case; the determination of whether it is appropriate will be decided by that year's jury.
For more information and guidelines, please see our website:
Please direct any questions to Karen Meisner, Award
Administrator, at FountainAwardATspeculativeliteratureDOTorg
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