- Miss Computer 1973.
- Swink Online has new guidelines (submit, fools!). (Via Babies are Fireproof.)
- I could be an Olympian in this. I'm pretty fucking sure.
- The Survey of Scottish Witchcraft. (Via MeFi.)
- The Millions has moved. Adjust links accordingly.
- Another excellent post from Agent Kristin: A NO is simply a NO—nothing more.
Quit whining about it. Quit being attached to your story about why you haven’t published yet. You’re expending too much energy in that arena. Move on. If one novel didn’t sell, get on to that next one. You already know you are courageous. What more do you need? - Maureen on empanadas (and more -- I so want the collected Maureen McHugh on Food).
- Two addictively excellent wine blogs: Basic Juice and Turn the Screw.
- And it's Garner week at the LBC; this time I really do plan to post.
Thanks for spreading the word!
Posted by: Max | February 20, 2006 at 23:09